Family Forum 260
SOMC Family Forum 260 - Disc 2.iso
Animation Wizard.dir
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Text File
198 lines
-- Irv Kalb
-- IKalb@aol.com
-- This demonstration of the Animation Wizard was developed by
-- Irv Kalb of Furry Pants Productions under contract with
-- Macromedia, Inc. January, 1996
on StartMovie
global goFunction
global goBannersText
global goZoomsText
global goCreditsText
global goBulletsText
global goMarkFrame
global goAnimateTitle
global goSeconds
global goFPS
global goBaseline
global goSizeMin
global goSizeMax
global goDelayEnter
global goDelayHold
global goCycles
global goVisualStyles
global goBanners
global goBullets
global goZooms
global goCredits
global goMotionStyles
global goScoreMgr
global goCastMgr
global goMovieName
global goPlatform
cursor 4
-- Set up the artwork for this system
set memberScreenArtStart = (the number of member "OnScreenArtStart") + 1
set memberScreenArtEnd = (the number of member "OnScreenArtEnd") - 1
tell the stage to set thePalette = the framePalette
if thePalette = -1 then
set goPlatform = "Mac"
go to frame "BannersMac"
set goPlatform = "Pc"
go to frame "BannersPc"
end if
set goScoreMgr = 0
set goScoreMgr = birth(script "ScoreMgr")
set goCastMgr = 0
set goCastMgr = birth(script "CastMgr")
set goBannersText = 0
set goBannersText = birth(script "TextField", "BannersText", "This is banners text")
set goZoomsText = 0
set goZoomsText = birth(script "TextField", "ZoomsText", "This is zoom text")
set goCreditsText = 0
set goCreditsText = birth(script "TextField", "CreditsText", ("This is credits:Text" & ¼
RETURN & "And:So is this"))
set goBulletsText = 0
set goBulletsText = birth(script "TextField", "BulletsText", ("This is Bullets Title" & ¼
RETURN & "This is Bullets Text" & RETURN & "This is Bullets Text Longer"))
set goMarkFrame = 0
set goMarkFrame = birth(script "CheckBox")
set goAnimateTitle = 0
set goAnimateTitle = birth(script "CheckBox")
-- IncrDecrValue parameters are:
-- type, min, max, incAmount, chText, theFieldName
set goSeconds = 0
set goSeconds = birth(script "IncrDecrValue", #int, 1, 999, 1, 5, "Seconds")
set goFPS = 0
set goFPS = birth(script "IncrDecrValue", #int, 1, 120, 1, 7, "FPS")
set theStageHeight = mGetStageHeight(goScoreMgr)
set goBaseLine = 0
set goBaseLine = birth(script "IncrDecrValue", #int, 1, theStageHeight,¼
1, 9, "Baseline")
set goSizeMin = 0
set goSizeMin = birth(script "IncrDecrValue", #int, 1, 500, 1, 22, "SizeMin")
set goSizeMax = 0
set goSizeMax = birth(script "IncrDecrValue", #int, 1, 500, 1, 24, "SizeMax")
set goDelayEnter = 0
set goDelayEnter = birth(script "IncrDecrValue", #int, 0, 60, 1, 11, "DelayEnter")
set goDelayHold = 0
set goDelayHold = birth(script "IncrDecrValue", #int, 0, 60, 1, 13, "DelayHold")
set goCycles = 0
set goCycles = birth(script "IncrDecrValue", #int, 1, 999, 1, 15, "Cycles")
set goVisualStyles = 0
set goVisualStyles = birth(script "IncrDecrCast")
set goBanners = 0
set goBanners = birth(script "Banners")
set goZooms = 0
set goZooms = birth(script "Zooms")
set goCredits = 0
set goCredits = birth(script "Credits")
set goBullets = 0
set goBullets = birth(script "Bullets")
set goFunction = 0
set goFunction = birth(script "Function")
set goMovieName to the movieName
-- get rid of the extension
set offS to offSet( ".dir", the movieName )
if offS then
delete char offS to offS + 4 of goMovieName
end if
cursor -1
end StartMovie
on StopMovie
end StopMovie
on closeWindow
global goFunction, goBannersText, goZoomsText, goCreditsText, goBulletsText, goMarkFrame
global goAnimateTitle, goSeconds, goFPS, goBaseline, goSizeMin, goSizeMax, goDelayEnter
global goDelayHold, goCycles, goVisualStyles, goBanners, goBullets, goZooms, goCredits
global goMotionStyles, goScoreMgr, goCastMgr, goMovieName, gkTransparentInk, void, goPlatform
global gDevelopmentFlag, gCastNumCheckboxOn, gCastNumCheckboxOff, gCastNumTextAsBitmap
set goFunction to void
set gkTransparentInk to void
set goBannersText to void
set goZoomsText to void
set goCreditsText to void
set goBulletsText to void
set goMarkFrame to void
set goAnimateTitle to void
set goSeconds to void
set goFPS to void
set goBaseline to void
set goSizeMin to void
set goSizeMax to void
set goDelayEnter to void
set goDelayHold to void
set goCycles to void
set goVisualStyles to void
set goBanners to void
set goBullets to void
set goZooms to void
set goCredits to void
set goMotionStyles to void
set goScoreMgr to void
set goCastMgr to void
set goPlatform to void
set theName = goMovieName
set goMovieName to void
set gDevelopmentFlag to void
set gCastNumCheckboxOn to void
set gCastNumCheckboxOff to void
set gCastNumTextAsBitmap to void
forget window theName
end closeWindow
on InitTheGlobals
global gDevelopmentFlag
global gCastNumCheckBoxOn
global gCastNumCheckBoxOff
global gCastNumTextAsBitmap
global gkTransparentInk
global goPlatform
if the windowList = [] then
-- Set TRUE for development, the AnimWiz MIAW will write to its own score
set gDevelopmentFlag = TRUE
set gDevelopmentFlag = FALSE
end if
set gCastNumCheckBoxOn = the number of cast ("CheckBoxOn" & goPlatform)
set gCastNumCheckBoxOff = the number of cast ( "CheckBoxOff" & goPlatform)
set gCastNumTextAsBitmap = the number of cast "TextAsBitmap"
set gkTransparentInk = 36
end InitTheGlobals